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Candle Care

• When lighting for the first time burn until the wax melts across the entire surface to the sides of the vessel (this prevents tunnelling, and creates an even burn for the duration of the candle’s ‘life’) This may take 2-4 hours.


• Never burn a candle for longer than four hours at a time. After the maximum recommended burn time, let it cool, trim the wick and relight.


• Candles are sensitive to temperature and light. To prevent candles from fading, cracking and melting, store your candles in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight, dust and fluorescent light. Store your candles in an upright position and don’t leave your candles in a car on a warm day.


• NEVER leave burning candles unattended.


• Never go to sleep with a candle still burning, and never leave a burning candle or oil burner in a child’s bedroom.


• Always remove labels and wrapping before lighting candles and other home fragrance products.


• Do not position candles or fragrance products on or near TV cabinets, electrical items or heat sources.


• Ensure that your wick is always centred


• Always place your candles and fragrance products on an appropriate tray. You can use the candle lid. Under no circumstances should a candle be placed directly on a table or any other surface that may be subject to damage.


• Under no circumstances should any product that generates heat, flame or fragrance be placed directly onto antique, valuable or highly polished furniture.


• Keep candles out of reach of children and pets.


• A draught can cause a candle to smoke. Avoid burning candles in an area where there is a draught.


• Do not use if the glass container is cracked, chipped or broken.


• If a candle has multiple wicks, then all wicks must be lit every time.


• Don’t burn candles completely - discard them once they have burnt to 2cm from their base or holder.


• Candle containers may become hot. Handle with care and wait for the wax to set and the candle to cool before moving. Never move a burning candle.


• When lighting a candle using a match, take care to prevent any match debris from dropping onto the candle.


• Always keep the wax pool free from foreign objects such as wick trimmings, wick particles, match debris and dust.


• A burning candle may generate significant heat above the flame so always position well away from combustible materials.


• Don’t put candles under shelves. It’s easy to forget that there’s a lot of heat above a burning candle. If you put your candle under a shelf or other surface it may burn the surface above.


• Keep clothes and hair safely away. If there’s any chance you could lean across a candle and forget it’s there, put it somewhere else. You don’t want to set fire to your clothes or your hair.



We only use 100% soy wax and therefore you may notice some discolouration, lack of adhesion or ballooning of the wicks. These are all completely normal with soy wax and cotton wicks and will not affect the burn or scent throw of your candle. 


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